Today – A Gift and A Blessing
January 15th, 2022

    I am facing another day – early morning. Another God’s-mercies-are-new-each-day morning to start over. Another fresh opportunity to dream, plan, try. I just now realize that’s probably exactly what God had in mind for me to do with this gift of a brand new today – to give myself another chance to get it right. To get a running start to pursue the good in life. To forgive myself – and yes, others, too. Shake off the encumbrances of yesterday. Unshackle myself from whatever holds me back. This day of my life has not been written yet. The canvas is clean for the painting of another picture of my existence. So, I shall rise to the challenge of making it count for something special – a blessing to offer God and any other who may cross my path today – as well as to myself.