On Handling the Worthless
November 26, 2021 

     Psalm 119:37 tells us to turn our eyes from worthless things.  I am considering some worthless things I have looked at: 

                                Doubts about God’s love
                                Aggravation over someone’s unfriendliness
                                Some rebellion at authority
                                Fear of falling short of perfection

Worthless things.

     Yes – I needed God to turn my eyes away from those things – to refocus my eyes on what He’s all about.  Looking at worthless things steals our joy away.  My daughter-in-law used to tell me, “Protect your joy.”  One way of doing that is to not set our eyes on worthless things.  Philippians 4 tells us to focus, instead, on these things: 

                                Things that are true
                                Things that are honorable
                                Things that are just and pure
                                Things that are lovely
                                Things that are commendable
                                Things that are excellent
                                Things that are worthy of praise 

In short, we are to set our eyes – and hearts – on those things in life that build up our spirit. 

     I was speaking with a friend yesterday about how to know when to draw back from a really difficult situation.  I see by Psalm 119:37 and Philippians 4 that that which draws us to attitude deficiencies should be avoided at all costs.  And that which encourages us to live on a heavenly level is to be pursued.  Heavenly input generally encourages us. Lifts our spirits out of the doldrums.  Gives us the capacity to risk and to overcome fears.  And we are able to identify healthy traveling buddies and join hands with them, without it seeming like a such a huge inconvenience.